
Realta Fusion Develops Communities

We are actively building our future workforce through education, inspiration, and collaboration, including outreach to communities currently under-represented in fusion and Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) careers.



We are engaging with young scientists interested in pursuing a wide diversity of STEM careers focused in energy to share, explore and educate.


Our roots in fusion research and development continue to develop ideas and partnerships that inspire new techniques, methodologies, and approaches to computational, experimental, and engineering design.


We are partnering with our community, local Madison colleges and nonprofit organizations to share ideas, explore technologies, and expand innovation.

Our fusion technology will require a strong pipeline of talented people. We are engaging with Wisconsin communities to grow awareness of our 21st century energy demand.




​If you are working in education or in an organization supporting increased diversity in STEM and skilled trades, we’d welcome hearing from you to explore ways we might partner.